
Participants must read the event rules & regulations carefully.

報名須知 Registration

• 個人及工商組參加者(寵物除外)於進行活動時必須已年滿18歲。

  Participants of Individual and Corporate Categories (except for pets) shall be aged 18 or above at the time of participation in the event.

• 家庭組只接受12歲或以下小童參加。年滿13-17歲之家庭成員會按成人收費。建議參加團隊組別。

  Only Child aged 12 or under are included in the Family Category. Family members aged between 13-17 will be charged as adults and are advised to register for the Team Category.

• 於進行活動時未滿18歲的參加者必須由作爲其父母或監護人* 的成年參加者陪同參與整個活動。*「父母」和「監護人」與《未成年人監護條例》(第13章)中該等詞語的意思相同。

  Participants who are aged under 18 at the time of participation in the Event must be accompanied by an adult participant who is his/her parent or guardian* throughout the Event. *The terms "parent" and "guardian" have the same meanings as in the Guardianship and Minors Ordinance (Cap.13).

• 參加者必須在網上報名,並在報名時提供有效的電郵地址及手提電話。所有訊息均通過電郵通知參加者。

  All participants must register for the event online, and they must provide valid email address and mobile number when doing the registration. All correspondence will be delivered via email.

• 所有參加者/參加隊伍必須於報名時繳付報名費用及最低籌款額,並不設退款。

  All participants / groups must settle the payment of registration fee and minimum donation upon registration。Registration fee and donation are non-refundable.

• 報名費不屬可扣稅項目。捐款收據將在2021年8月至9月期間透過電子郵件發送。

  Registration fee are not tax deductible. Receipt for pure donation will be emailed between August to September in 2021.

• 完成網上報名及付款後,即表示參加者遵守及接受在此及其後所有主辦單位奧比斯香港所定下之一切參賽條款、細則及安排。

  Upon completing the registration and payment online, the participant is deemed to have accepted all terms and conditions of the event, the official rules as stipulated and to those that may be later introduced by the Organizer, Orbis Hong Kong.

• 參加者在報名後,即表示同意奧比斯香港使用其上載到「參賽者帳戶」、奧比斯香港Facebook及Instagram帳戶,及「步步獻光明」活動Facebook參賽者群組的活動影片及相片作任何宣傳之用,而事先不作任何通知。

  By taking part, participants agree that any event footage and photos they uploaded to their personal dashboards, the official Facebook and Instagram accounts of Orbis Hong Kong, and the Participant Group on Facebook, will be used by Orbis Hong Kong for marketing purpose during and after the event without prior notification.

• 參加者必須在完成網上報名前確保所交資料正確無誤。完成網上報名及付款後,參加者將不能更改其個人資料及所選參與組別。

  All the information provided by a participant in the online registration form must be true and accurate. Upon completing the registration and payment online, participants will not be allowed to change personal information and categories registered.

• 參加名額不能轉讓。

  Registration quota is non-transferable.

• 若參加者提供錯誤資料、未完成付款、或不符合參加資格,奧比斯香港將保留取消其參加活動的權利而事先不作任何通知。已繳付報名費及捐款將不獲退還。奧比斯香港亦會以電郵或其他方式,向參加者查詢或要求提供補充資料。

  Orbis Hong Kong reserves the right to cancel the registration of any participants without prior notice and refund of the registration fee and donation if they have provided inaccurate information, failed to make the required payment, or failed to meet the registration requirements. Orbis Hong Kong reserves the right to contact participants by email or other means for any additional information required for their registration.

• 活動屬自願參與性質,參加者願意承擔一切風險及責任,並無權向奧比斯香港追討因是次活動而引致之自身受傷、意外、死亡或任何形式的損失索償或追究責任。

  Participation in the Event is voluntary and at the own risk of participants. Each participant agrees to absolve the Orbis Hong Kong, and any sponsors and/or supporting organizations from all liabilities arising from bodily injuries, accidents, death or other losses during or caused by the event.

• 奧比斯香港有權在截止報名日期前後停止報名,而事先不作任何通知。

  Orbis Hong Kong reserves the right to close the registration any time, whether before or after the registration deadline specified, without prior notification

活動期間 During Event

• 參加者於進行活動時必須遵守當日香港政府根據《預防及控制疾病條例》(第599章)、其相關附屬法例包括但不限於《預防及控制疾病(禁止羣組聚集)規例》(第599G章)、《預防及控制疾病(佩戴口罩)規例》(第599I章)及任何相關法例及規定所施行的預防、抵禦、阻延及控制疾病個案或傳播的措施。參加者在活動中必須保持適當社交距離,按照相關的規例佩戴口罩,並只在相關的措施豁免的情況下不佩戴口罩。參加者必須遵守公眾場所進行羣組聚集的人數限制,禁止在公眾地方進行4人以上的羣組聚集。如遭到任何執法或相關機構檢控,參加者(成人及小童)將自行承擔責任,奧比斯香港將不須對於任何此類起訴承擔任何責任。

  Participants must strictly adhere to all measures for preventing, protecting against, delaying or otherwise controlling the incidence or transmission of disease implemented by the Hong Kong Government pursuant to the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap.599), its related subsidiary legislation including but not limited to Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap.599G) and Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap.599I) and all related laws and regulations. Participants must maintain appropriate social distance during the Event, wear mask according to the relevant regulations, and only take off the mask in circumstances exempted by the relevant regulations. Group gatherings of more than four persons is prohibited. If any participant (Adult and Children) is prosecuted by any law enforcement agencies or officers, the participant shall be personally responsible, and Orbis Hong Kong shall not have any liability in relation to such prosecution.

• 參加者必須在2021年6月7日至7月18日活動期間按大會的指示在10項「上山下海」的任務中自選5項完成,並拍照記錄,及以跑步 / 步行 / 遠足形式完成所參加組別的步數要求。參加者 (包括小童及青少年),必須於7月23日23:59分前登入「參賽者帳戶」,輸入完成任務的日期及步數,並上載任務照片(每次只能上載一張截圖)及步數記錄 (每次只能上載一張截圖)。奧比斯香港將不會接受和驗證在上述時間以外上傳的照片及步數記錄。

  Participants must first complete 10 out of 5 Walk For Sight Challenges (with photo as record), and run/walk/hike to complete the required steps during 7 June – 18 July 2021. Participants (including children and teenagers) must then input the date of completing the challenges, steps completed and upload the corresponding photos (only one file per upload) and step records (only one file per upload) in the Participant Dashboard on or before 23 July 2021 23:59. Orbis Hong Kong will NOT accept and verify the photos and records generated and uploaded after the said period.

• 參加者(包括小童及青少年)可使用大會建議的智能裝備/應用程式 (Apple Health, Samsung Health) 來記錄運動步數。每次上傳的運動記錄必須清楚顯示日期和完成步數。

  Participants (Including children and teenagers) could use suggested mobile devices/apps (Apple Health, Samsung Health) to record the steps gained. Each record uploaded must clearly show the date and steps accumulated.

• 重複上傳的步數記錄將會視為無效。奧比斯香港僅接受並驗證一個記錄。

  Duplicated records will be voided. Only one record will be accepted and verified by Orbis Hong Kong.

• 奧比斯香港將會檢查及驗證所有參加者上傳步數紀錄。如發現任何虛假紀錄,奧比斯香港保留刪除該虛假紀錄及取消參加者 / 參加隊伍贏取禮品的權利。

  Orbis Hong Kong will check and verify all photos and records uploaded by participants. Orbis Hong Kong reserves the right to remove any said photos and ingenuine record and disqualify the participants from attaining any award.

• 參與者禁止上傳包含違法、有害、威脅、辱罵、騷擾、侵權、暴力、誹謗、粗俗、淫穢、色情、誹謗、侵犯他人隱私、種族仇恨或其他令人反感的內容的照片。奧比斯香港將會檢查所有參加者上傳的照片,並刪除包含以上內容的照片而事先不作任何通知      

  Participants are prohibited to upload photos with content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, violent, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful racially, or otherwise objectionable as determined by Orbis Hong Kong.

商品退換條例 Merchandise Returns Policy

• 已出售的產品將不獲退款。

  All products sold are non-refundable.

• 若商品出現損壞, 瑕疵或寄錯情況,可於7天內電郵至 [email protected]或致電奧比斯香港申請換貨。  

  In case of receipt of damaged, defective or incorrect products, please email [email protected] or contact Orbis office within 7 days for an exchange request.

收集個人資料聲明 Personal Information Collection

• 請查閱以下奧比斯官方網站的收集個人資料聲明,此活動收集個人資料的詳情以下列官方網站為準。 https://hkg.orbis.org/zh-hant/about/privacypolicy_chi

  Personal Information Collection of this event follows the guidelines as listed on Orbis official website, please refer to the link below. https://hkg.orbis.org/en/about/privacypolicy_eng

• 參賽者可以在報名時選擇不以所登記的電郵地址/郵寄地址接收奧比斯最新的消息和活動資訊。

  Participants will be provided the option to opt-out the receipt of updates of Orbis news via the registered email and/or mail during the course of registration.

最終決定權 Discretion

• 奧比斯香港保留更改大會活動守則及指引之權利。如有任何爭議,奧比斯香港保留最終決定權。

  Orbis Hong Kong reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions. Should there be any dispute, Orbis Hong Kong reserves the right to the final decision.

•  奧比斯香港保留取消觸犯、違反或不遵守任何活動規則之人士的參賽資格及成績的權利。被取消資格的參加者之費用,將不獲退還。

  In case of violation, breach or non‐observance of any terms and conditions of the event, Orbis Hong Kong reserves the right to disqualify any person and / or nullify his or her result. Orbis Hong Kong shall not be obliged to refund any payment under such circumstances.

• 奧比斯擁有此活動之最終決定權。任何有關比賽/活動的臨時改動或取消,將於奧比斯香港官方網站、活動網站及Facebook專頁公佈。

  Orbis Hong Kong reserves the right of final decision of the event. Please refer to Orbis Hong Kong website, event website and Facebook page for any changes or contingent measures of the event.

• 若活動守則及指引的英文版本與中文版本之間有任何歧義,則以英文版本為準。

  If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

免責聲明 Disclaimer

參加者報名後,即表示同意以下免責聲明以及活動守則及指引:“本人聲明將會遵守賽事的年齡限制,並遵守主辦單位奧比斯香港的活動守則及指引。本人聲明在健康狀況適宜情況下才參加活動,並且會自負風險。本人接受奧比斯香港將對因參加本活動而引起的任何損失,損害,訴訟,索賠,成本或費用概不負責。本人在此允許奧比斯香港上傳本人活動期間的影片及相片分別到奧比斯香港及「步步獻光明」活動的Facebook 及Instagram。本人明白在任何情況下報名費和捐款均不獲退還。本人在參加活動之前同意以上的活動守則及指引。”

Upon successful registration, participants agree the following Disclaimer and this Event Rules & Regulations:

“I declare I will abide by the age limits set for the event and will abide by the event rules and regulations of Orbis Hong Kong, The Organizer. I declare that I will not compete in the race unless I am medically fit during the event period and that, in any event, I will compete at my own risk. I accept that the Orbis Hong Kong will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, costs or expenses, which may arise in consequence of my participation of the event. I also hereby give my permission to Orbis Hong Kong to use my footage and photographs uploaded to social media platforms during the participation for marketing purpose. I understand that registration fee and donation are non-refundable under any circumstances. I agree to the event rules & regulations before I join the event.”

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