Many Hong Kong people have telephones, computers and tablets at the same time. Although life has become more convenient, it has increased the risk of suffering from an urban disease, dry eye syndrome. Orbis has worked with the Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society and the Hong Kong Federation of Societies for Prevention of Blindness to promote a series of activities to raise public awareness of dry eye and protect eye health.
Fight Against Dry Eye Now
In response to the "World Sight Day" on October 11 this year, Orbis wants to urge Hongkongers to support the battle against global blindness while paying closer attention to their visual health, particularly on the severity of dry eyes syndrome.
Dry eye syndrome, or dry eye disease, is a common condition that occurs when the eyes don't make enough tears, or the tears evaporate too quickly. This leads to the eyes drying out and becoming red, swollen and irritated.
Activity One: Self-Test for Dry Eye Syndrome
One-minute online self-test
Activity Two: Roadshow at Residential and Universities
Orbis World Sight Day exhibition
Activity Three: on-the-Spot Examination for Dry Eye Syndrome
Orbis cooperated with the Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society and provided free dry eye examinations by ophthalmologists for registered citizens. We also conducted eye care talks, wishing to offer the best to our community.
Activity Four: Media Announcement on Dry Eyes Syndromes Impact Hong Kongers’ Quality of Vision
We received 2,700 respondents for the dry eye online survey. The result revealed 48% respondents are affected by various levels of dry eyes syndrome, and a shocking 80% of them never bothered to seek medical help. A press conference was held on October 5 at Cityplaza to elaborate details of the survey result.
Media Coverage
- 奧比斯調查:30%受訪者有嚴重乾眼症 白領最高危 可致盲(香港01)
- 日睇電子屏幕逾8小時 患嚴重乾眼症高14%(星島日報)
- 乾眼症年輕化白領最危(東方日報)
- 日日睇Mon逾8小時 33%港人患嚴重乾眼症可致盲(東網)
- 多對電子屏幕 慎防嚴重乾眼症(成報)
- 青年機不離手 乾眼症年輕化(文匯報)
- 長時間煲劇睇Mon易患乾眼症 可致眼角膜潰瘍嚴重會致盲(經濟日報TOPick)
- 嚴重乾眼症可致盲 醫生拆解3大謬誤切忌亂用眼藥水(經濟日報TOPick)
- 【低頭族必看】乾眼症症狀豈止眼乾?4 大防乾眼貼士(E-Zone)
- 【乾眼症治療】3成香港人患嚴重乾眼症 中醫/營養師推介食物醫眼乾(UFood)
- 調查:三成人嚴重乾眼症 白領一族為高危(HealthyD)
Dry Eye Syndrome Prevention Tips
- To protect one’s eyes against DES is to adopt the "20-20 Rule for Eye Protection", that is to take a 20 second rest after every 20 minutes of gazing at screens on electronic devices. Conscious regular blinking will also help to spread tears evenly over the ocular surface to help moisturise the eye.
- Contact lens user should avoid prolonged wear for more than 10 hours a day and also allow their eyes to rest one or two days in a week to enhance eyes’ comfort.
- Adequate rest and a balanced diet are essential to maintain adequate tears production and eye health.
- For those working in offices with air-conditioning resulting in a relatively low humidity environment can consider using a desk top humidifier. This will help to increase the humidity and slow down tears evaporation, thus relieve eye discomforts.